What do I need to bring to class? You will need the headphones, and an external thumb drive throughout the semester.
Can I download the software to my computer off campus? Yes, the AutoCAD software can be downloaded through the Autodesk website. It is free to you as a student. Choose the basic software package as shown below. Be sure to download the same version that is loaded onto the machines in the lab. You will need to create an account. Use your CCC email because that is how Autodesk will confirm that you are a student.
Is a textbook required? No, but if you feel that you need one, this textbook is recommended.
AutoCAD and Its Applications Comprehensive, Choose the version that is installed in the lab.
Can I revise assignments? Yes, if initially, they are submitted on time.
Can I work ahead of schedule? Yes, but check with me before doing so.
How do I submit assignments? You will be uploading your work to a folder on the Google Drive.
Where can I find my grades? I will create a document and place it in your Google Drive folder. The document will list your current grade and will include comments and suggested revisions.
What happens to work saved on the computers in the studio? When you log off or the computers are shut down, all files that you have saved on the local drives will be deleted. It is important that you save work to an external device in addition to uploading the work to the Google Drive.
May I print paper copies of my work? Yes, you may if you wish, but for most assignments, it is not required. The printer in the lab can print letter (8.5" x 11") and tabloid (11"x17") sized sheets.
May I print the instructions and tutorials? If you wish to print the instructions and tutorials, please do so outside of the lab. The tutorials have embedded videos which will not print. Also, I may make updates to instructions as necessary. You are encouraged to toggle between the software application and the website as you work on exercises. Some students prefer to view the tutorials through their phones or other devices.
Will I have access to this website after the class ends? Yes, but you will lose access to the Brightspace course site.