This exercise introduces the process of calibration as a means of transferring between three-dimensional spatial constructs and two-dimensional representations. The calibration occurs between a physical model and an ordering system. The ordering systems will be a simple grid. This method brings consistency and precision to the work process.
Through this exercise you will:
Calibrate: to adjust or mark (something, such as a measuring device) so that it can be used in an accurate and exact way. "Calibrate." ( Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.)
Assignment Overview: In this exercise you will be calibrating your physical model using grids and datums. The grids will be used to calibrate planes in plan view. The datums will be used to establish heights of masses and planar elements. The following constraints must be met:
Calibrate your plan to the grid. Your plan cut should be chosen in a place that provides the most information. Discuss your choice before proceeding. This is a draft so construction lines can be left, but the drawing must be precise. The grid must appear on the drawing. It is recommended that you use a 4H lead for the grid. Lineweights must illustrate the distinction between cuts and non-cuts.
Cut two sections through your project. Again the sections should be selected that provide the most information. Discuss your choice before proceeding.
The choice of paper is yours. Once reviewed, scan and upload the drawing.
Assessment: The basis for your grade will be craftsmanship, the meeting of the constraints, and the completion of the product and procedures described above.