Our tendency, when drawing a subject, is to focus on the objects in the view. This can cause us to lean on our preconceptions of how something "should" appear. If, instead, we focus on the leftover space, we can begin to strengthen our skills of observation. The negative space of a view is simply where the object is not.
Below are some examples of negative space drawings. The first image defines negative space through contour lines.The second two illustrate the negative space with a darker value.
Construct a negative space drawings from the images below.
Find an image that allows you to explore negative space. Construct a negative space drawing of the image that is at least double the size of the original image. The image should not be traced. Upload the image to your google drive too.
Compose several objects provided in class on the desktop. Produce a negative space drawing. If you finish the drawing before the time is up, begin another.
Find two or more objects that have complex shapes with internal negative spaces. Good subjects for this are objects like scissors, kitchen utensils, drafting compasses, etc. Arrange the objects on a surface and draw the composition.
Find a partner. Take turns posing for each other and drawing the negative space.
Form into groups of 4 or more. Divide your group in two. One group should pose while the other draws. Switch from posing to drawing and vice versa.
Look for a view outside that reveals a skyline. Construct a negative space drawing of the skyline.
Look for an architectural view that reveals a strong positive to negative composition. The architecture, landscape or objects within the view can be studied for their negative space characteristics. Construct a negative space drawing of the view.